Nonfiction | Memoir | Addiction and Recovery
Nonfiction | Business | Career Success
Nonfiction | Religion and Spirituality | Encouragement
Fiction | Mystery | FF Dialog | Mex. Amer. & Okla. Accents
Nonfiction | Social Sciences | Politics and Government
Nonfiction | Self Help | Psychology and Mental Health

Hello! I’m Sheri Saginor, an audiobook narrator and voice over artist. With over twenty years of experience as a speaker, writer, and performer, I bring to my work a true passion for the spoken word. I’ve worked in a wide variety of industries, including high-tech, education, and music. As a former professional singer, I have a keen understanding of the “musicality” of great audio narration. One of my greatest strengths is creating a sense of intimacy and energy that draws audiences in and keeps them listening. When I’m not in the recording booth, I enjoy hiking up mountains, running half-marathons, and belting out old Linda Ronstadt and Taylor Swift tunes while playing my guitar.
Below is a sample of Sheri’s audiobook titles. For additional works, please visit Audible.
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